报告题目:Bio-inspired Zwitterionic Membranes: Development and Applications
Prof. Yung CHANG is a Distinguished Professor and the Deputy Director of the R&D center for Membrane Technology at Chung Yuan University, Chung-Li, Taiwan, China. He completed his PhD in 2004 at the National Taiwan University and he was a postdoctoral fellow in University of Washington from 2004 to 2006. His major research interests include advanced biomaterials, biomolecular engineering, biomedical interface science, biopolymer physical chemistry, biomimetic material science, and biomedical healthcare membranes. His specialization is in the development of universal anti-(bio)fouling principles for the design of sustainable membranesProf Chang has published more than 160 SCI articles and 252 conference papers with over 3,800 citations and h-index 33. He applied 45 invention patents and received 32 licensed patents. He was awarded Wu Da-Yu Award of Young Research Professor from Ministry of Science and Technology in 2012. he is an editorial board member Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers and American Journal of Tissue Engineering and Stem Cell